Showing posts with label MJ The Terrible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MJ The Terrible. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy 13th Anniversary Malia May Johnson!

The photo on this post is the first ever photo of Malia and I together. The photo was taken the day we met, 3-8-2012, at Joint Base San Antonio, in Texas. 

I was not in a good place. You can tell by the look on my face. But little did I know that the girl in the photo was going to radically change my life for the better, and become my other half. 

Malia May Johnson, you are too good to be true, and let's face it, you're probably an alien from outer space because you are so rare, but I don't care. I love you with every beat of my heart! 

To the love of my life, the mother of our children, the woman who fell in love with me when I was public enemy #1, the woman who nursed me back from the dead after my subdural hematoma brain surgery, and the angel on earth who is the center of my universe- Happy 13th Anniversary baby cakes! 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Quotes Compilation

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Quotes Compilation:

"This is not said enough- Believe in yourself and go for it!" Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"The best time to do it was then. The second best time to do it is now." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Hearsay rumors and speculation are distractions I don't waste time on. Unless I have to deal with something directly, I ignore the bull shit. I think that is good advice for anyone to follow." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Being ahead of your time gives you a virtually endless amount of "I told you so's" that you can use at the time of your choosing later." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"You don’t have to take a conventional route to get where you want to go. Unconventional routes can get you there. And sometimes the only route is the unconventional route." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"You can't win an argument with the one you love, because winning the argument may cause hurt feelings. The better option. The better bet, is to find common ground and mutually win." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“It is almost impossible to know how to sell a prospect if you don’t listen for what they want.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"The added benefit to proving them wrong, is it proves you were right. A win win." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"You can't beat the system, but you can use it to get rich and live the life of your dreams." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You already know what you know. When you listen, you can learn what other people know.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Giving up is just not in my nature." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You can’t study something to perfect it. You have to do it!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You might not always be on the exact same page as your client, but as long as you are in the same chapter, the deal can still get done.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"How you fight injustice is with justice." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The solutions are right above the problems, so don’t stop at the problems, keep going.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Open arms, hearts and heads, lead to new experiences, memories, and friends.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Down is not out. Broke is not broken. With the right outlook on life, impossible stands for I’m possible, and comeback stories of epic proportions, are the stories we remember forever!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You know when things happen? When you have worked for something for so long and you want it so badly for so long That’s when it finally happens. That’s when game-changing things happen.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Being judged by others means that you are important enough that they make the time to think about you and talk about you.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"I'm 44 now. A 44 Magnum. More dangerous than ever. :)" Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

“The answer to ranking well on search engines is the same as it has always been. You can call it keyword optimizing, or search engine optimization, or anything else you want to, but what you are really describing is delivering high quality content, on a consistent basis. The search engines and internet users want to see high quality content consistently. If your website or blog delivers high quality content consistently, sooner or later your website or blog will rank well on search engines, and traffic to your website or blog will increase. Period.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Oh haters. Just keep watching. Make sure you have your dental insurance paid up for when I make it happen, your jaw hits the floor, and your teeth break.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“A wish gives you a chance. Unrelenting effort towards your goal, gives you all the chances you want!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The next time someone asks you about something that you don’t know about, or you are faced with a situation where there is something that you don’t know about, make it your goal to find out about it, so that the next time someone asks you about it, or the next time you are faced with a situation about it, you do know about it, and you are prepared.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“A hater once told me that my mind was in space. I told them that was one small step for man. One giant leap over haterkind.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The Rule of Three” or spaced repetition of a message or ad works like this- Say it once, so the person hears you. Say it again, to make sure they heard you the first time. Then you say it again one more time, to make sure they heard you one of the first two times, and so the message sinks in deeper. The more the hear the message, the more it will stay with them. Rule of Three, use it. It works. Period." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

“That is how we learn things. We learn by guessing, trying new things, asking questions, and things like that. Never stop doing those things, and you’ll never stop learning.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“It’s the negative naysayers and haters choice to say something can’t be done or that you can’t do something. It’s your choice if you want to prove them wrong or not.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Everyone faces adversity. How you decide to handle it, will have a large impact on what kind of life that you lead.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"The best answer to almost any question is, it depends, because it is nearly impossible to consider all variables, in all situations. That said, I learned from a mentor of mine that in order to make the best decisions, you should look to the 6 simple serving men. The 6 simple serving men are who, what, why, where when and how. If you know those 6 things, you can make a fully informed decision." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Be single focused even when you are multitasking until the mission is accomplished." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Know what you know. Know what you don’t know. And always be open to learning new things.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Regret is a lot worse feeling than fear. Remember that the next time you are letting fear hold you back from doing something.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"High quality content can pay the bills, and possibly make you very wealthy. As they say- “Content is King”, and if you have high quality content, you might just get to live like a King!" Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Don’t argue about generalities, when someone is talking specifics.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"If haters didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Dreams can be had. Goals can be achieved. Questions can be answered. Be open to opportunities!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“How do you create a successful blog or website? Either write or share content that is worth reading on a regular basis. The internet might be packed with information, but there will always be a need and a want for useful information.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Haters- Thank you for telling me all of the things that I haven’t done yet. I really appreciate it, because now I have a checklist of things that I need to do.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Haters- Don’t be surprised if I ____________. Don’t worry haters. I’ll fill in the blank with something I’m sure that you’ll hate very soon.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Dream about it. Make real plans. Take the necessary actions. Live the life of your dreams. It is possible. Believe in yourself!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Important note- It is completely ok to make your big plans and dream big if you don’t have any money right now. Because someday you will, and when the right opportunity comes along, you’ll be ready.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Our feelings and emotions might make us want to hold on to the wrong person for too long sometimes, but the good news is, it will eventually become clear that you’re just better off without that certain person in your life.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When you need to accomplish something, remember the name “Will Resourceful”. Have the “Will” to see it through and be “Resourceful” enough to get the job done.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Successful people know what works, and they exploit the shit out of it! Find your niche and run with it. Go get yours!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Fact- Sometimes you just have to turn on your inner badass, let the world know you mean business, and you can make shit happen!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“A penny saved might be a penny earned, but a penny multiplied, makes dollars. Dollars multiplied, makes a living. Dollars multiplied effectively, makes you financially independent!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“If you want something bad enough, you can get it. If you want something back bad enough, you can get it back.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Be committed enough to exhaust every option that doesn’t work, until you get to the one that does.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Enjoy the good times. Push through the bad/hard times. Take the memories with you from the good times and take the lessons with you from the bad/hard times.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You will see me fail from time to time. That’s possible. You will see me get back up if I fail. That’s inevitable!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Use your money wiser. Then you get to retire.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The bust creates the buy in opportunity, and the boom creates the fortune.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You can say what you want about me, but I’m the guy that does the jobs that have to get done.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Don’t settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It’s better to get paid than be right. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can’t rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don’t waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“To fulfill your true potential, you have to leave your comfort zone. The tradeoff to leaving your comfort zone, is you have to deal with more “stuff”, than if you stayed inside of your comfort zone.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Something isn’t stupid if it is working.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Would you rather be right, or get paid?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Confidence = contract.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“I don’t want to die on a bed with my head on a pillow. I want to live life to the fullest.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The difference between constructive criticism and complaining, is constructive criticism is actually helpful.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The words we say, determine the price we are paid.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When you do the right things consistently, over a long enough period of time, you are positioning yourself to be in the right place, at the right time, when opportunity strikes.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“With limited resources and burning desire, you can turn shit into gold!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You can succeed on your own and you don’t need anybody, but it sure helps when you have people to help you and be for you.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“People become friends with, get into relationships with, do business with, vote for, buy from, and interact with people they like. Whether you realize it or not, building rapport is the secret to more.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Everybody wants a better life. We all want to be rock stars, movie stars, models, never age, always have the answers, be a leader, be millionaires and live the high life. The #1 secret in sales is to use that information about people to your advantage.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The definition of “Cyber Psychological Warfare” is the planned tactical use of propaganda, threats, and other non-combat cyber techniques during wars, threats of war, and periods of geopolitical unrest to mislead, intimidate, demoralize, or otherwise influence the thinking and/or behavior of your enemy. Do you want to see what Cyber Psychological Warfare looks like in action, or are you okay with just knowing what it is?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Let circumstances dictate decisions. Have a plan, but if circumstances change, make sure you can quickly change your plan to match the new set of circumstances.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Incentivize to capitalize. If you can offer someone something they want, they are likely to give you what you want in return.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The best way to counter facts is by presenting more convincing alternative facts.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When you are being attacked and you don’t have a counterattack plan, muddy the waters to make it difficult for them to continue attacking you, and to buy yourself time to come up with a counterattack plan.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Deception can be used in positive and negative ways. In national defense cyber warfare, deception is a necessary evil unfortunately.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Evil gets their occasional victory but good will always triumph over evil in the end. The side of evil fights for hate. The side of good fights for love, and love is a more powerful emotion and bogger motivator than hate.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You know what I love about people who play dirty? They have dirt on their hands. Find the dirt, and victory is yours.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“As much as I wish it weren’t true, there are bad guys out there in the world that want to hurt us, and they cannot be reasoned with, or negotiated with, or bargained with. All they respect is force and strength. And one of the best tools we have to keep those bad guys from trying to do bad things to us is cyber psychological warfare.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Attacking civilians directly rallies public support against the attacker(s). Attacking infrastructure disabling and disrupting supply chains, commerce and travel severely hurts economies. Economic warfare has proven to be a highly effective tactic of war. For this reason, cyber warfare has become the preferred method of attacking your enemies.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When facts and evidence are not available to prove guilt, you can expect to be vilified and dehumanized to the point you look guilty. It’s an evil world out there. It is an absolute must that you cover your ass and protect yourself.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The one that wants it the most does not get it. The one that wants it the most and knows how to get it, is who gets it.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“It must be my multiple personalities working together to get shit done. Teamwork makes the dream work. Hey, if haters are going to make false allegations against me, I am going to use it to make content to benefit myself and others.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“We live in a world where sex is a currency, influence is a tool, power is a drug, victimhood is a defense, and virtually anything goes. The law of the jungle has been the law since day one of mankind. What has changed?” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“If you are going to subtract from my life, don’t try to add yourself into my life.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Don't just talk about it. Be about it!" Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“All things being equal, all things are never equal. You just have to do the best you can.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Life teaches us lessons. If we don’t learn from the lesson’s life teaches us, we will unfortunately be forced to repeat the lessons until we do learn the lessons.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You don’t need to say shit. You need to do shit. Doing is what gets you closer to done.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When you hear from people who have done great things, you start to think to yourself, maybe I can do great things. Well guess what….YOU CAN!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Inspiring quotes are very powerful learning tools for success, and one of the best ways to help set the right perspective.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You are the answer to answering the questions you have, the challenges you are facing, and the obstacles you need to overcome. Never sell yourself short, because as history has proven, ordinary people have done extraordinary things.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The quote I think I tell people the most and I mean it with every fiber of my being is- Believe in yourself and go for it!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Be wary of someone who only speaks negatively of others and positively about themself.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“No period of time in history has been perfect. That said, as messed up as the world currently is, we have never had more information, technology and resources, to resolve the problems our society currently faces.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The right words at the right time can change lives.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Don’t make a whole lot of noise about nothing. Make a whole lot of progress about something.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“After hitting rock bottom, and feeling nothing but depressed, about myself and my future back in 2015, it hit me. When you have nothing more to lose, that’s as bad as it can get, and sometimes it is the best place to be at, to make your comeback.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Make 2024 the year of more! More time, more friends, more romance, more traveling, more money, and most importantly, more of whatever makes you happy!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“If we take away the rights and freedoms of individuals anywhere, we risk losing the rights and freedoms of individuals everywhere.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Humankind has made it this far and the average person today is more intelligent than the average person was at any previous period of time in human history. That is what gives me hope for today and tomorrow.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“When you do the right things, you are likely to have good results. When you do the wrong things, you are likely to have negative consequences. Simple as that.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“2024 could be chaotic as everyone says it will be. What if it is? What if it isn’t? Either way, be prepared.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Officially October is ADHD Awareness Month, Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Unofficially October is believe in yourself and go for it month!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"Do not let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything." Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Reciprocity is a big secret to getting what you want. If you give first, people don’t mind giving back in return. It sounds counter intuitive, but it is true. If you want to get, give.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“The difference between a question and an objection. A question is a request for more information or clarification. An objection is a challenge wrapped in a question or comment. The purpose of a question is to learn more about something you need and/or want to know more about. The purpose of an objection is to express opposition to something you either disagree with or want clarification about.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“If the system is broken you have two choices. You can either choose to accept it, or you can choose to break free from it and do your own thing.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Life is like a serious video game. You need to learn how to play it.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“If you want something bad enough you will turn on your inner beast mode and become the exception to the rule.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You may not be able to rule the world, but you can rule your world!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“You are only going to get more if you produce more. If you produce more, you are going to get more.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Be so good they don’t have any choice but to accept your terms.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Set yourself free from the burdens the world puts on you. You are you. Be you!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“There is no way around paying your dues, so don’t put your effort into trying to find a way around paying your dues. Pay your dues. Get the respect. And keep it movin.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Maximize your work, so you can maximize your play. Always invest your time where you can get a return.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“For the people who only remember the 1 bad thing you did and don’t remember the 1,000 good things you’ve done, it’s on them, not you. Your life is your life. Don’t waste your precious time trying to please those who aren’t worth pleasing. Be your best self and live your best life!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“Any business with constant price increases and people have to buy your product is a very good business to be in.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“A penny saved might be a penny earned, but a penny multiplied, makes dollars. Dollars multiplied, makes a living. Dollars multiplied effectively, makes you financially independent!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

"If you keep using the scare, eventually your employees won't care." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

“Every day we all have decisions to make. Make good daily decisions and you won’t believe how your life improves.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Distinguished Intelligence Cross Awarded To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson For Acts of Extraordinary Heroism -

The Story of The First Time MJ Walked On His Own After His Subdural Hematoma Brain Surgery -

Thursday, December 9, 2021

It Is Chrismahonikwanzikaboxanniversarybirthdaynewyears at The Johnson's

We are a celebrating household. We celebrate it all. It is Chrismahonikwanzikaboxanniversarybirthdaynewyears at our house this year. 

Daddy (MJ) gets to be home with us more at the end of the year this year. Side note- Bad guys, please don't try to pull anything major until after New Year’s. I want MJ home with us, and if you cause problems, our Happy Holiday season will be a not so happy one, because MJ will have to come deal with you. 

I am going to make sure MJ gets plenty of rest, since he works God awful hours most of the year. Our second oldest daughter Natalie Marie wanted to wake Daddy up and tell him a secret. I asked her what secret she wanted to tell Daddy. She said- "The secret is I want to tell Daddy- I love you." I took the picture on this post when she told Daddy her secret I love you message. It was too cute for words. Daddy smiled so big and said- "This is the best way ever to start a day. I love you to Natalie Marie Cutie Pie Johnson." Then we all did a big Daddy pile hug. 

I both love and hate the fact that when Daddy is playing with the kids, I am all but nonexistent. It's like I'm invisible to MJ and our kids. I mostly love it though because MJ is an incredible father. He is so devoted, patient, and gentle. When MJ walks out the door to go take on a difficult project, he has this serious look on his face with cold penetrating eyes. When he is at home, he is so happy and carefree. 

I just love this time of year. I love the endless cute moments. We had a snowball fight. It was all of us against Daddy until Daddy started making snow angels and we switched to doing that. We made a snowman. We did a ride around the house on trailer, and it was all a lot of fun. MJ is using an excessive amount of mistletoe. You have to be careful around the house because you never know when a "Mistletoe Storm" is going to blow through. MJ, the kids, and Mr. Pete built an electric ride on train with track that goes through the living room, kitchen, sunroom, down the hallway and back to the living room. Their favorite game to play with the train is "Package Delivery". When they play Amazon delivery style, they get out real fast, throw the packages at me, then get back on the train and take off really fast. They play "Poo Poo Sheriff", where MJ has to guess who has "Poo Poo" in their diaper. If we are watching a Hallmark channel type of movie, at the happy ending part of the movie I say- "Hallmark happy ending moment!", and MJ and our kids and I all love on each other and hug and stuff. 

If it sounds like I am being way overly Christmassy, I am, but I don't care. This is our first big family and friends Christmas! In 2015 MJ was in the hospital. 2016 MJ was working and still recovering, etc. This Christmas is special because we get to have a big family and friends Christmas! Mam Mam and Gaga (MJ's parents will be here for Christmas). Mam Mam and Gaga are the dream grandparents ever. Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary today Mam mam and Gaga! We love you! We have family coming to visit and stay with us here in Bethesda, from Ohio, Texas, and South Africa. We will have a total of 31 people staying with us at our house, guest house, and the house we own next to our house. I am so excited! MJ said- "And of course I'm sure you created a color coordinated chart to help organize everyone so that everyone knows exactly where they will be sleeping, what the schedule is, if there is one, etc." To that I say- You know me so well! Thank you for letting me be a control freak sometimes. I love you for loving me just the way I am. 

5 years ago, MJ was in the hospital barely holding on to life. I remember it like it was yesterday. That time in our lives was so difficult and painful that we really appreciate the good times. Final note- Thank you God for letting us have this happy time in our lives after having so many struggle years! 

The Story of The First Time MJ Walked On His Own After His Subdural Hematoma Brain Surgery -

Monday, December 7, 2020

Daddy Loves You With All of His Heart Little Princess Elizabeth Grace Johnson

This morning my brother from another Mother Marcus came over to drop something off.


Marcus saw my daughter Elizabeth, who's first word by the way was "Dada", and he immediately said - "Aww! Liz is adorable. The boys are going to be lined up around the block to ask her out when she gets older." 


Listen here you little future perverts, who are only about 3 years old right now, and I might be 10-15 years early with this warning, but still, this Daddy right here, Uncle Marcus, Uncle Chris, Uncle Kosta, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Matt, Uncle Gary, Uncle CIA, Uncle US Army, Uncle US Airforce, Uncle US Navy, Uncle US Marines, Uncle US Coast Guard, Uncle US Space Force, and Uncle US Secret Service will be watching every single one of you horny little teenagers who try to deflower my little princess! 


My little princess Elizabeth Grace Johnson will not be deflowered! I am the most protective Daddy on earth times 10!


I'm going to say it one more time for you future hardheaded horny teenagers who may try to make a move on my little baby girl.....My little princess will not be deflowered!


Malia walked in while Marcus and I were talking about all the bodyguards, snipers, cameras, satellites, drones, swimming friggin attack ducks, and other Anti-Deflowering Security measures we will be instituting. 


Malia said someday a Prince Charming is going to come along, sweep her off her feet, and deflower her in a way that I will be able to live with.


Seal Team Six, y'all are on anti-sweeping her off her feet security detail. Feel free to use any and all means necessary to subdue the perpetrator trying to sweep my little Liz off her feet!


Malia also thinks she will marry someone just like her Daddy, because that is what little girls do. A little girls Daddy is her first love. I teared up and then I panicked. Liz, when you grow up marry a Doctor. God, please don’t let her fall in love with “Evil Eddie” or something.


Malia, you may be right that a Princess Charming may someday sweep my little princess off her feet, but he is going to have to go through the ultimate daddy's little girl protection gauntlet imaginable. 


Malia, to answer your question if I will give my little princess away on her wedding day, and the answer is- Never!


In all seriousness, I hope my little Princess Liz finds the man of her dreams, and they live happily ever after, but I will be watching you Prince Charming/Man of My Daughter's Dreams!


I feel like the luckiest guy/daddy/husband/dude in the world! 



Michael "MJ The Daddy" Johnson

P.S. I really do love being a Daddy.....

P.P.S. Malia, thank you for making me a Daddy, and thank you for bringing such love and happiness into my life. I never knew true love until we met. You are the light of my life, the fire of my loins, and my penguin infinity forever until the end of days! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

“MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death Plane Crash Details

I was freaking out because MJ didn’t come home yesterday like he was supposed to, and I knew something was wrong.

He was on a flight with his cyber crew, Team Digital Death, back home from visiting with President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris.

Well, the plane they were on crashed. MJ’s close friend and member of Team Digital Death Marcus was on the plane with MJ when it crashed.

Marcus said MJ slept through the whole thing. He said everybody was screaming and panicking while MJ was sound asleep and dreaming. “MJ was singing a Pearl Jam song in his dream with a smile on his face, while the plane was in free fall.”

Marcus also said MJ didn’t wake up until the paramedics got there. “MJ woke up saying to this big Lumberjack guy named Chuck- Malia, you feel like messing around?”

When he finally was awake, they said MJ asked where the airport was. He had no idea they crashed in a field and almost died.

Team Digital Death member Kevin who was also on the plane, said when they got out and saw where the plane crash landed, MJ said- “I feel bad for the pilot, because it looks like he tried to Captain Sully the thing, and land it in the water, but he was like 50 feet short. Look how close he was to getting us in the water.”

I swear my husband could be sitting in an open field, not a cloud in the sky, and suddenly out of nowhere the storm of the century would hit the field he was in.

Team Digital Death Member J Munda said MJ was completely calm after the crash while everyone else was scared shitless.

Team Digital Death member Gary said, MJ kept trying to find his phone to call me but couldn’t find it.

I’m glad MJ couldn’t find his phone to call me because I left a couple “Where the f@$k are you messages”, and now I feel like a giant bitch. He almost died and I was thinking he was off doing whatever. I thought the worst, in the wrong way. I absolutely trust MJ, but I was being an emotional pregnant crazy woman when I was leaving MJ the “Where the f@$k are you” messages.

I am glad no one on the plane got hurt. After they all got out of the plane, they said they couldn’t stop laughing because it was like nothing had happened at all to MJ, because he slept through the entire traumatic plane crash experience.

I hate to admit it, but after I found out they were okay, I laughed about it too. You would have to know MJ, to know that only something like this could happen to him.

MJ is just prone to the most unimaginable to anyone else type of things happening to and around him.

In the last 5 years, MJ has had subdural hematoma brain surgery, where he had to learn how to walk and talk again, went through a crazy up and down divorce, had 2 apartment fires, we got jumped at a private pool we were swimming at, a pipe burst in our house, and we had to have most of the interior of part of our house re-done, MJ fell down the stairs saving our son Cash from falling down the stairs, he was just in a plane crash, and more.

There is never a boring day being with MJ, and literally anything can happen, both good and bad.

MJ, I love you. I can’t believe you slept through a freakin plane crash! Marcus was like- “When the pilot announced the plane was going down, everybody buckle up and brace for impact, my black ass was scared as hell! Kevin was yelling “Oh God please don’t let us die!” Gary was flipping the f@$k out. Everybody was thinking they were going to die, and I looked over at our fearless leader MJ, and he’s completely relaxed and asleep humming a f@$king Pearl Jam song! I couldn’t reach him to wake him up. I tried to yell at him to wake him up, but he had his headset on, listening to music. The song your crazy ass husband was humming was “I’m Still Alive”. I was thinking, you are about to not be. Wake the f@$k up!”

Kristi, who is also a Team Digital Death member, and was also on the plane that crashed, was sitting across from Marcus, and next to MJ on his left, but across the aisle, said she told Marcus to let MJ sleep. “There is no reason to wake him up for the last minute of his life to be filled with horror. He has been through a lot of shit. Let’s let him enjoy his last minute of dream sleep.”

I am constantly amazed by how hard MJ tries to do good. He tries so hard to do everything right, and be a good guy, a good father, a good husband, a good friend, use his skills to help people, and all of that, and still utter freakin chaos breaks out around him all the time!

If I heard that MJ was on a plane that crashed into a train, that went off the rails and landed on a boat, that sank down into the water, that ran into a submarine, that was filled with aliens, I would almost believe it at this point.

I have determined that special people like MJ, who live the most interesting lives, are in this world to shape it, change it, hold it together, and to give the rest of us something to talk about/entertain us.

Baby, I am never letting you leave home again! Obviously I’m just kidding, but I love you, and I can’t live without you, so don’t die!

Distinguished Intelligence Cross Awarded To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson For Acts of Extraordinary Heroism –

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Nice shooting baby!

The last time we got pregnant we tried 4 or 5 different pregnancy tests. When we were looking to see what the results were, MJ said- "We should have got only the kind with words, where it says Pregnant or Not Pregnant. I mean, look at this. Is 2 lines on here pregnant or not? Look at this one. On this one I think a cross is pregnant. On this one it looks like an X is pregnant. This one has words. Pee on this one, because I want to know if we're pregnant or not. I don't want to have to decode the symbols to find out if we're pregnant or not."

I did what you said. Is this clear enough for you baby? (See attached pic)

MJ is flying to meet with President Elect Biden, and Vice President Elect Harris today. 

I told MJ I wanted to take a prego test today. He told me if I wanted to, to go ahead and do it. I asked him if he wanted me to wait to tell him what the results were until he got back. 

He said I could tell him any way that I wanted to, and he would be cool with it. 

Well baby, I decided to tell you through social media. I wonder if MJ will find out himself first, or will someone else be the one to tell him?

Baby, I'm sorry. I rigged the answer. I contacted Jen O'Malley Dillon, President Elect Biden's campaign manager. We worked it out so that President Elect Biden and Vice President Elect Harris would tell you the results at the same time later today. 

I'm sure you can see the picture on this post, and POTUS and V-POTUS will tell you the good news, but just in case you can't see the picture on this post, and they don't tell you first......WE'RE PREGNANT!!!

I love you baby! I will miss you like crazy tonight. I can't wait until my sexy conquering hero comes home to me tomorrow! XOXO

All of my love,


P.S. I enjoyed all of the baby making practice!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 16

"Most people do all they can to fit in with everyone else. So, anyone who puts themselves out there deserves respect, because at least they are willing to take a risk." Kristi IhaveonenamelikeMadonnabitch  

"A lot of things in life we can't control. Embrace the chaos. Life might just astonish you!" Gary McKinnon

"Sometimes the best thing to do is wait until everything becomes clearer." Gina Haspel    

"Wealth is important, but health is more important. If you don't have good health, all the wealth in the world doesn't mean a thing. Take care of the only body. It's the only one you have." Dr. Frincke

"Find out what you want. Find out how to get what you want. Go get what you want." Tarica Patel

"No one can predict the future. Not you. Not me. No one. Your future is what you make it. If your future sucks, it's what you made it. If your future is great, it's what you made it. It's up to you to write your future. Write a future that doesn't end in regrets." Marcus Jennings

"Stand up for what you want. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for what is right. Stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves but stand for something." Brittany White  

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Today could also be the last day of your life. Live for today, but plan tomorrow, because you just never know." Kevin M.

"Sometimes you have to disrupt the status quo to get attention for what's important. Disruption is uncomfortable but effective." Becky Beaver

"No is a powerful word. You have to use it, or people will take advantage of you." Donald Trump Jr.

"COVID19 is a global hater that is trying to stop us all from living our lives the way we want to. And just like normal haters, we will overcome this global hater." Chris Hubbard

"Always do right by your people. By your people, I mean your family, your friends, your teammates, and everybody else who is on your side." Kamala Harris

"I don't know if time is on my side, but I know we only have a limited amount of time on this earth and I am not wasting it." J.J. Mendelhaussen

"If you want to really piss your haters off, take all of their bull shit in stride, and keep right on going." Marcus Jennings  

"Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. You haven't learned it. Stupidity is having the and not using it." Jeanne P. Johnson

"You have to make a decision that you want a better life. Once you make the decision you want a better life, that is when you can start to change the things in your life you don't like. The decision is where it all begins." Ben Dupont  

"Sometimes in life you just have to deal with things that are unfair, knowing that on the other side of it a whole lot of good is coming your way." Donald Trump Jr.

"You don't have to live on the edge to experience life, but don't get so comfortable in your comfort zone, that you never leave it. Take a vacation from your comfort zone occasionally. Believe in yourself! Go you!" Gene Rockefeller

"Dare to dream and dare to live those dreams." Chris Hubbard

"Step one is the hardest, so once you knock that one out of the way, step two on gets a lot easier!" Big J. Kosta

Legendary Self-Help Guru Napoleon Hill’s 17 Universal Principles of Success & Achievement -

Thursday, May 17, 2018

You Should Read This! by Marcus Jennings

To You,

Do you. Be you. You can do it. You got this. Show yourself what you can do.

You may not have all of the answers, but you can find them.

You may not be where you want to be at in life yet, but you can change that.

Don't sweat the small stuff, because life is to short.

If you need to throw yourself a pity party, do it. After the pity party, you need to get up, dust yourself off, and then get back on track.

To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world.

Don't take your friends and family for granted, because you will regret it.

You only live once. I hope you make the most of it.

Never let anyone tell you, that you can't do something. You should never sell yourself short. You are capable of more than you think you are, and don't you ever forget that!

Thank you for reading this. You may not know me, and I may not know you, but I believe in you.

Wishing you the best,

Marcus Jennings
Proud member of "MJ The Terrible" & Team Digital Death

P.S. Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, you are the best man I have ever known. You saved my life. You helped me believe in myself. Thank you for being my best friend. I love you bro!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Michael Jordan Michael Jackson & Michael Johnson: The 3 MJ The Terrible's

Question: MJ, I came across your website's when I was having a debate with somebody about who was a better ball player, Michael Jordan, or Lebron James.

I found out Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson had the same nickname as you, "MJ The Terrible".

Did you know Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, and you, all have the nickname "MJ The Terrible"?

Did you use the nickname "MJ The Terrible" as a marketing gimmick, to get name association with the other 2 MJ The Terrible's?

They did come along before you, and have the nicknames first. Different industries though. You guys are "The 3 MJ The Terrible's".

Love your stuff man. Keep putting out the great info. Because of the post you did about making money as an Amazon affiliate, I signed up. So far so good. I have already made over 3 grand. Thank you for all that you do. Joe Albaugh Albany, New York

Answer: Thank you for the questions and compliments Joe! I am happy that you signed up for the Amazon Affiliate Program. I think it is one of the best ways to make money online as an affiliate, if not the best way to make money online as an affiliate.

I love what I do. It is a great feeling to be doing well, by doing good.

I did not know Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson also had the "MJ The Terrible" nickname, until recently.

As an entrepreneur, sometimes you get lucky breaks, and sometimes you don't. In this case, having the "MJ The Terrible" nickname association, with Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson, was a lucky break.

People have been calling me MJ for years. The "The Terrible" part, came together through the combination of the computer virus I was rumored to have created, that was responsible for a large scale international incident, and my son was 2 years old at the time, an age that is often referred to as "The Terrible Twos". Put those 3 things together, and people started calling me "MJ The Terrible".

My two cents on the Michael Jordan or Lebron James debate. It is a tough choice. I grew up watching Michael Jordan, but I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, where Lebron James was born and raised. I enjoyed watching Michael Jordan play back in the day, and I enjoy watching Lebron James play now. I am not sure who is better, but I am damn sure glad they both have played the game of basketball.

Here is a link to the post about the Amazon Affiliate Program Joe was referring to, if you would like to check it out.....

The Best Way To Make Money On The Internet If You Don't Have A Product To Sell By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson -

Friday, March 16, 2018

Natalie (Future Johnson) DuPont's formula for relationship success during tough times

I heard this on March 8th, 2016, when I was in the hospital recovering from brain surgery. I saw it this morning in a note book, and I felt like sharing it, so......

Natalie (Future Johnson) DuPont's formula for relationship success during tough times- 

"Talk through the trouble, snuggle when you struggle, kiss the pain away, hug out fear and doubt, have sex when things are a mess, and be ride or die, whether you sink, swim or fly."

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Life & Success Quotes (Newly Updated)

"Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets by trying everything that interests you in the least and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, Masters of Money, LLC.

"To fulfill your true potential, you have to leave your comfort zone. The trade off to leaving your comfort zone, is you have to deal with more "stuff", than if you stayed inside of your comfort zone." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"Something isn’t stupid if it is working.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"Would you rather be right, or get paid?" Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, Masters of Money, LLC. 

“Confidence = contract.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"I don’t want to die on a bed with my head on a pillow. I want to live life to the fullest." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"The difference between constructive criticism and complaining, is constructive criticism is actually helpful." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"The words we say, determine the price we are paid.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"You can succeed on your own and you don’t need anybody, but it sure helps when you have people to help you and be for you.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"It is almost impossible to know how to sell a prospect if you don’t listen for what they want.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“You already know what you know. When you listen, you can learn what other people know.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“You can’t study something to perfect it. You have to do it!” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“You might not always be on the exact same page as your client, but as long as you are in the same chapter, the deal can still get done.” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“The solutions are right above the problems, so don't stop at the problems, keep going." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"Open arms, hearts and heads, lead to new experiences, memories, and friends." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"Down is not out. Broke is not broken. With the right outlook on life, impossible stands for I'm possible, and comeback stories of epic proportions, are the stories we remember forever!" Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC. 

“I don’t want to die on a bed with my head on a pillow." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“With limited resources and burning desire, you can turn shit into gold!” 
Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“Sales create commissions. Relationships create fortunes.” 
Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

“If plan A doesn’t work, plan B will, and if plan B doesn't work, there's a whole alphabet full of letters to make plans on." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

"No Republican or Democrat can give you everything you want in life. You are the answer to everything you want!” Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sometimes "Rock Bottom" Is The Best Place To Start Your Comeback by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

I am so happy right now. Happier than I have ever been. I went through 5 years of complete hell, which I thought was a curse, because I didn't know that those 5 years of hell, were really the life lessons I needed, to be happy personally, and successful financially.

2012 to 2017 were an all out assault on me mentally, financially, physically, emotionally, socially, and just about every other way I can think of.

After hitting rock bottom, and feeling nothing but depressed, about myself and my future, it hit me. When you have nothing more to lose, that's as bad as it can get, and sometimes it is the best place to be at, to make your comeback.

It took me awhile to realize that, but once I did, I started using it to my advantage. I cleaned house of all of the negative influences in my life, got my priorities straight, and focused on recovering mentally, physically, and emotionally.

The plan I put together with the beautiful angel I'm kissing in this picture, we called- "One Thing At A Time".

We knew it wouldn't be easy, but we also knew if stuck to the plan, we could do it.

We both thought it would take until about the year 2020, to settle and solve all of the problems, challenges, and issues we had.

As we started solving, fixing, handling, etc, one thing at a time, we started building some momentum. It wasn't long before we were knocking out big chunks of the list at a time.

It was one year ago today, February 25th, 2017, that we completed the entire list.

When I rolled over and kissed the beautiful girl in the picture this morning, she reminded me it was the one year anniversary of completing our comeback list.

I told her we completed the list 3 years early. That means we have some extra time to make a new list of things to accomplish.

She asked me what I wanted to accomplish next, and I told her there is only one thing on my list, and that is to love the shit out of her!

She said- "It won't be easy."

I said- Then how about we start one kiss at a time?

From there, use your imagination. #ilovesundays

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Ultimate Guide To Blogs & Blogging (Video Edition) by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

If you are interested in learning more about blogs, you want to create a blog, you want to become a blogger, or you are interested in improving your existing blog, then this blog post is for you.

"The Ultimate Guide To Blogs & Blogging (Video Edition)" includes the following videos: 

1. How To Set Up A Free Wordpress Blog

2. Frank Kern Blogging Tricks To Make Money While Doing Goodwill

3. Blogging For Traffic

4. Drive Traffic Via Blogs

5. Cost Per Action Internet Marketing Course Blog Forums

6. How To Change Admin Information On Your WordPress Website or Blog

7. How To Change Settings On Your WordPress Blog or Website

8. How To Check Your Website or Blog Stats Using Awstats

9. How To Drip Feed Content Into Your WordPress Blog

10. Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies Course - Your Blog Buyers List Sales Page

11. How To Guest Blog On

12. How To Quickly Get Your Blog Indexed On Google

13. How To Use A Blog To Reachout To Your Target Market

14. How To Use Blog Spam To Your Advantage

15. How To Use Guest Blogging To Increase Your Websites Traffic

16. How To Use Guest Post Blogging To Reach Your Target Market

17. Internet Marketing Training Blogging Traffic Secrets

18. Laptop Lifestyle Digital Nomad Course Becoming A Blogger

Link to "The Ultimate Guide To Blogs & Blogging (Video Edition)" videos -

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The 2016 Presidential Election and MJ The Terrible

Vladimir Nikolaev (Moscow, Russia): I was reading a hacker rumor blog article about you. There are many unaccounted for coincidences. You have to admit.

MJ: Although I can't speak to this directly, for legal reasons, I will say this- From May of 2016, through the election, I was recovering from brain surgery, I was going through a divorce, I still had legal issues to solve, related to my involvement with an oil company I worked for, and more. Where would I have had the time to do this?

Vladimir Nikolaev (Moscow, Russia): Those could all have been distractions. The writer of the article mentioned how it was done legally, as not to get any one in trouble, if the plan would have failed or been found out. It is not illegal to use search engines to help a candidate get elected. Why not admit to it if you were involved?

MJ: If I had anything to do with it, I'm sure some day, some how, the world will know. But, if this did happen, and I was involved, I'm sure I would have done it for/with, only the best of intentions.

If my son, who has had to deal with so much of this already, woke up one day, sometime around his 40th birthday, and read or saw on the news that his daddy was involved in this and why, and by his daddy doing what he did, it helped the country avoid disaster, even though I  probably won't be alive to see it, I bet my son/kids, will be pretty proud of their daddy!

Vladimir Nikolaev (Moscow, Russia): Ok. I may contact you again some time. I am happy your life is doing good. The article mentioned your strength of character. Good men deserve good things.

MJ: Thank you Vladimir. The best to you as well.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day & "The One" by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Whether you are celebrating Valentine's Day with the one you love, your friends, your family, or will be enjoying some " me time" today, Malia and I would like to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

From the time Malia and I started to show an interest in each other, there were some who didn't think it would work, who didn't want us to be together, that tried to tell us why we were wrong for each, that kept giving us reasons why it wouldn't work, and many/most of those people, I'm sure had the best of intentions.

The people who didn't think it would work, forgot to look at all of the reasons we were right for each other, and the reasons that it could work.

Malia and I at the time, didn't have all of the answers to the reasons why we would work. Over time though, we were able to find the answers to the reasons people were giving us, that we wouldn’t work.

I would like to answer those questions right here, right now, because some of you might be going through the same things/might have to answer the same questions, about your relationship, and maybe this will help.

Question: Malia is black, and you are white. That could be a challenge.

Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because people might not like the fact that we have different skin colors? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because our skin colors aren't the same, the problem is with you, not with us.

Question: You come from completely different backgrounds. That could lead to problems.

Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because people might not like the fact that we come from different backgrounds? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because we come from different backgrounds, the problem is with you, not with us.

Question: MJ is married. Are you willing to break up your marriage to be together?

Answer: This question was answered for us, because my wife left me.

Question: There is a 10 year age difference between you and Malia. How are you going to overcome that?

Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because we were born at different times? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because we were born at different times, the problem is with you, not with us.

I could write out and answer the other questions and answers people had for/about us, but the answer to every question that anyone ever had about us/for us, was pretty much the same. At the end of the day, we knew we loved each other, and we were dedicated to making it work/being together.

Is it possible we may not have worked out? Yes. Is it possible that the people who had questions and concerns about us, could have been Right? Yes.

We did listen to people's thoughts and concerns. We really did, but virtually every one of the people who showed concern/had questions about us being together, recommended we talk to each of our best friends, the person each of us turn to in our darkest hour, to see what they thought.

So, we each called our best friend, and asked them what they thought. I called my best friend, her name is Malia, to ask her what she thought. She thought us being together was a good idea. Then Malia called her best friend, his name is MJ, to see what he thought. Her best friend MJ, thought it was a good idea for us to be together also.

When you are in love with your best friend, who knows you inside and out, who is always there for you, who already fits into your life, who understands you, your wants, your needs, your goals, your fears, supports you, and knows what makes you tick, you know you are making the right decision by being with them, regardless of all of the factors that shouldn't matter....age, race, religion, etc.

There are definitely things that can make a relationship more difficult, but life and relationships both have challenges. Malia and I knew there would be challenges, but we knew each other better.

In the summer of 2016, right after I had gotten out of the hospital, Malia and I were sitting on our bed at our house in Bethesda, and she said- "Are you ready to tackle our challenges in Texas now?" I thought about it for a second and said- Yes. She said- "Are you sure?" I said back- You said- Are you ready to tackle our challenges in Texas now, and I said yes, because I'm sure. Then she said- "Why are you so confident?" And I said- Because we already made a comeback from death, you helped me learn how to walk and talk again, we have flipped the script on the truth about me, that I'm not really a villain, we put together a plan to make sure I had shared custody of my son, with my soon to be ex-wife, and we have built 2 successful businesses, all at the same time. Quite frankly, if I was our Texas challenges, I'd be running as fast as I could to get away from us, because we are going to crush them!

Then she said this- "I don't know what the future holds, but if the future doesn't involve us being together, I have some bad news for this future fella, because he is going to be changing his plans."

Bottom line....If you love someone, and they love you back....It's a beautiful thing!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Rule of Three by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

"The Rule of Three" is one of the most effective sales/marketing/advertising strategies in existence. 

"The Rule of Three" or spaced repetition of a message or ad, works like this- Say it once, so the person hears you. Say it again, to make sure they heard you the first time. Then you say it again one more time, to make sure they heard you one of the first 2 times, and so the message sinks in deeper.

Most consumers these days need to see an ad/hear a message several times before they feel comfortable enough/ become interested enough to buy a product or service. 

It pains me to see companies spend a lot of money to create a commercial/ad, and then not have much money left in their advertising budget to actually run the ad much.

Spaced repetition is a crucial part of sales/marketing/advertising, and never before in human history, has there been a more effective and efficient marketing platform, than the internet. 

If you are promoting a product, service, business, organization, or you're trying to raise awareness for something that you believe in, the internet can be a game changer! 

"The Rule of Three"/spaced repetition by itself, used on just about any sales/marketing/advertising platform can be very effective. "The Rule of Three" combined with the internet, the the most effective and efficient sales/marketing/advertising platform of all-time, there's no telling what you will be able to accomplish. 

Whenever possible, work smarter, not harder. By working smarter, not harder, you are more likely to achieve the success you want, and you are also more likely to achieve the success you want faster.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The 3 C's of Professionalism by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

There are undoubtedly going to be times in your business/career, where it will be difficult to stay calm, but try to remember that cooler heads prevail.Never lose your cool with a customer/client. Always try to maintain your composure, no matter what the customer/client does. When you do that, it shows that you can keep your composure in tense moments, and it builds their confidence in you. 

When we are upset, we are unbalanced and unreasonable. Try to move beyond being upset as soon as possible, and never make big decisions when your emotions are doing the decision making. 

My first sales manager and mentor, who I still consider to be in the top 5 best sales professionals/closers I've ever known, taught me the following strategy that I am about to share with you. I thought this was great advice back in 2003 when I first learned it, and I still practice it to this very day. The strategy is called the 3 C's of Professionalism. 

Derron, or "Big D", as we used to call him, said this to me- "Michael, I always practice the 3 C's of Professionalism. Do you know why? Because if you practice the 3 C's of Professionalism, which are calm, cool and collected, you have the highest likelihood of getting the 4th, and unwritten C, which is cash, and cash is what makes it worthwhile enough to be away from your friends, family and loved ones during the business day." 

"Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets by trying everything that interests you in the least and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, Founder & Owner of Masters of Money, LLC.

And always follow these 3 words, the most important 3 words for success and achievement- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

How To Always Have The Highest Likelihood Odds For Success

1. Limit mistakes. Instead of saying or doing the wrong thing, think first and then execute.

2. Make success a must. If you must do something, then you will think of a way to do it, nomatter what. 

3. Refuse to be outworked. Go early and stay late when you need to. 

4. Use proven strategies for success. Proven strategies come with proven odds for success. 

One of the fastest and most effective ways to succeed in life and in business, is to duplicate, not innovate. 

If their is a proven/high odds for success strategy that you can follow to get started or improve your results, to achieve success quicker and easier then what you are currently doing, do it! 

Proven formulas are called proven for a reason- They work! One of my favorite sayings is- “You can either be right or you can get paid.” Being right can be very expensive. Getting paid is very enjoyable.

By working smarter, not harder, you are more likely to achieve the success you want, and you are also more likely to achieve the success you want faster.

5. Learn from the people that are at where you want to be at in the future. 

6. Master the basics. Many of lifes and businesses most important moments, come down to the basic fundamentals. 

7. Improve your skill level whenever possible. Practice CANEI: Constant and never ending improvement 

8. Learn from your mistakes. We all make mistakes, but if we can learn from our mistakes, then we are turning negatives into positives. 

9. Focus. Having a single minded focus. Focusing on what you want day in and day out, keeps you moving in the direction of what you want. Anything worth doing, is worth focusing the majority of your time on. 

When you throw yourself completely into what you are doing, you are much more likely to experience a positive outcome. 

10. Communicate effectively. Try to keep all of your communication simple and to the point. Clear and concise communication, is more effective communication. 

11. Be open to change. Change is coming whether we like it or not, so get used to it, and see the possibilities, versus resisting it, and only seeing the negatives.

"When you do the right things consistently, over a long enough period of time, you are positioning yourself to be in the right place, at the right time, when opportunity strikes." - Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

So, keep your eyes on the prize and the gas pedal pushed to the floorboard!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Is "MJ The Terrible" A Mean Man?

Sometimes people ask me if I am a mean man, because of my nickname- "MJ The Terrible".

I always say no, but I probably deserve the nickname for the international event that transpired a few years ago. I've been through a lot, and it has made me a better, more caring person, who appreciates life, people, and things more.

This side of me is the past-

Saturday, December 9, 2017

What kind of friend is "MJ The Terrible"?

Your birthday.......He's not remembering it.

Anniversaries........He's not remembering it.

Being unbelievably late to everything but you know he will always show up.........That's MJ.

When the world is taking a dump on you and you need someone who will drop everything they're doing to be there for you........That's MJ.

Need to bury a dead body in your trunk at 3 o'clock in the morning no questions asked and you never have to worry about the person telling anyone about it........That's MJ. Not that this has ever happened. Shhhh!

Need someones help because you are being bullied or messed with.........That's MJ.

Need someone to take your side when everyone is against you..........That's MJ.

Need someone who will say you were with them when there is incriminating evidence showing you were somewhere else........That's MJ.

Love and laughs,

Saggie Maggie
Former University of Akron Classmate