You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Happy 13th Anniversary Malia May Johnson!
Friday, June 11, 2021
An "Awesome" Dating Memory
The picture on this post is from one of MJ and I’s first dates. MJ’s mom called while we were on our date. MJ was drunk when she called. Not totally wasted drunk, but for sure inhibitions gone drunk. In the middle of what felt like was a somewhat serious call, MJ said- “Mom, I love Malia. I want to marry her. I saw her boob earlier when it fell out of her shirt. Her boob was awesome. She is awesome. We are having an awesome time. I love you ma. You are an awesome mom. I am sorry (MJ couldn’t remember who it was that was sick at the time, but he remembers it was someone from his family that lives in Tennessee) isn’t awesome. I hope she gets awesome again soon. Can I call you back tomorrow ma? I think our table is ready. We are at that awesome Oasis On The Lake restaurant. The sun is setting. It’s awesome on the eyes. I’ll text you a picture. I love you ma. Bye.”
After he hung up, he asked someone standing by us if they would take our picture so that he could send the picture to his mom. He handed the person his phone to take the picture, and we backed up to the railing. MJ asked me to hold his giant margarita glass because he didn’t want his mom to think he was drunk. I was laughing in the picture because I didn’t want his mom to think I was drunk either, and here I was the innocent one holding this giant margarita glass. I asked MJ why he handed me his drink. Wasn’t he worried about what his mom would think about me? MJ said- “I love my mom and I know she worries about me. I handed you the drink because I thought you would know what to do with it. You are my angel Malia May Johnson.” I said- “My last name isn’t Johnson.” MJ said- “Give it time. You gotta admit it has nice ring to it.
I remember telling MJ later that night that I was doing a good job of making him think it was his idea that we should be together. He said he didn’t care whose idea it was for us to be together, but whosever idea it was, it was a good idea.
Michael David Johnson, I will always hold your margarita, kiss you, make love to you, be with you, have your babies, have your back, be your sounding board, be your muse, listen to you, collaborate with you, do whatever, whenever, however with you and for you, for any and all reasons, and I have no doubt you feel the same way about me. 3-8-2012 forever!
Malia May Now My Last Name Is Johnson
P.S. MJ, I know when you look at this picture the first thought that goes through your mind is me naked wearing the “clod hoppers” shoes I have on in this picture, and I am okay with that, because you know my first thought when I see this picture is you wearing the boots you have on in this picture naked doing “The Dick Dance”. We’re penguins MJ, and you are never getting rid of me!
Our First Slow Dance –
Monday, April 5, 2021
You’ve Got To Stand For Something, or You’ll Fall For Anything by Malia May Johnson
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Baby Making Practice Invite For Michael David Johnson
This love video for you is red.
Your mom will be here to pick up the babies soon.
Now bring that sexy body home because I want to make a baby with you in the bedroom!
From: Your Loving Wife Always, But Today I'm Your Love Slave All Day Long!
P.S. You know how you made the "Baby Making Heat Scale" to measure my baby making heat horniness? Well, I just tested myself, and the scale exploded!
P.P.S. Dr. Frincke, you might wanna have the medical staff at Walter Reed on standby, because I'm about to do things to MJ that his body might not be able to handle!
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Sometimes "Rock Bottom" Is The Best Place To Start Your Comeback by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
I am so happy right now. Happier than I have ever been. I went through 5 years of complete hell, which I thought was a curse, because I didn't know that those 5 years of hell, were really the life lessons I needed, to be happy personally, and successful financially.
2012 to 2017 were an all out assault on me mentally, financially, physically, emotionally, socially, and just about every other way I can think of.
After hitting rock bottom, and feeling nothing but depressed, about myself and my future, it hit me. When you have nothing more to lose, that's as bad as it can get, and sometimes it is the best place to be at, to make your comeback.
It took me awhile to realize that, but once I did, I started using it to my advantage. I cleaned house of all of the negative influences in my life, got my priorities straight, and focused on recovering mentally, physically, and emotionally.
The plan I put together with the beautiful angel I'm kissing in this picture, we called- "One Thing At A Time".
We knew it wouldn't be easy, but we also knew if stuck to the plan, we could do it.
We both thought it would take until about the year 2020, to settle and solve all of the problems, challenges, and issues we had.
As we started solving, fixing, handling, etc, one thing at a time, we started building some momentum. It wasn't long before we were knocking out big chunks of the list at a time.
It was one year ago today, February 25th, 2017, that we completed the entire list.
When I rolled over and kissed the beautiful girl in the picture this morning, she reminded me it was the one year anniversary of completing our comeback list.
I told her we completed the list 3 years early. That means we have some extra time to make a new list of things to accomplish.
She asked me what I wanted to accomplish next, and I told her there is only one thing on my list, and that is to love the shit out of her!
She said- "It won't be easy."
I said- Then how about we start one kiss at a time?
From there, use your imagination. #ilovesundays
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Valentine's Day & "The One" by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson
Whether you are celebrating Valentine's Day with the one you love, your friends, your family, or will be enjoying some " me time" today, Malia and I would like to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!
From the time Malia and I started to show an interest in each other, there were some who didn't think it would work, who didn't want us to be together, that tried to tell us why we were wrong for each, that kept giving us reasons why it wouldn't work, and many/most of those people, I'm sure had the best of intentions.
The people who didn't think it would work, forgot to look at all of the reasons we were right for each other, and the reasons that it could work.
Malia and I at the time, didn't have all of the answers to the reasons why we would work. Over time though, we were able to find the answers to the reasons people were giving us, that we wouldn’t work.
I would like to answer those questions right here, right now, because some of you might be going through the same things/might have to answer the same questions, about your relationship, and maybe this will help.
Question: Malia is black, and you are white. That could be a challenge.
Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because people might not like the fact that we have different skin colors? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because our skin colors aren't the same, the problem is with you, not with us.
Question: You come from completely different backgrounds. That could lead to problems.
Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because people might not like the fact that we come from different backgrounds? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because we come from different backgrounds, the problem is with you, not with us.
Question: MJ is married. Are you willing to break up your marriage to be together?
Answer: This question was answered for us, because my wife left me.
Question: There is a 10 year age difference between you and Malia. How are you going to overcome that?
Answer: So f..... what! Should we not be with each other, because we were born at different times? We both chose to be happy. If you don't like us, because we were born at different times, the problem is with you, not with us.
I could write out and answer the other questions and answers people had for/about us, but the answer to every question that anyone ever had about us/for us, was pretty much the same. At the end of the day, we knew we loved each other, and we were dedicated to making it work/being together.
Is it possible we may not have worked out? Yes. Is it possible that the people who had questions and concerns about us, could have been Right? Yes.
We did listen to people's thoughts and concerns. We really did, but virtually every one of the people who showed concern/had questions about us being together, recommended we talk to each of our best friends, the person each of us turn to in our darkest hour, to see what they thought.
So, we each called our best friend, and asked them what they thought. I called my best friend, her name is Malia, to ask her what she thought. She thought us being together was a good idea. Then Malia called her best friend, his name is MJ, to see what he thought. Her best friend MJ, thought it was a good idea for us to be together also.
When you are in love with your best friend, who knows you inside and out, who is always there for you, who already fits into your life, who understands you, your wants, your needs, your goals, your fears, supports you, and knows what makes you tick, you know you are making the right decision by being with them, regardless of all of the factors that shouldn't matter....age, race, religion, etc.
There are definitely things that can make a relationship more difficult, but life and relationships both have challenges. Malia and I knew there would be challenges, but we knew each other better.
In the summer of 2016, right after I had gotten out of the hospital, Malia and I were sitting on our bed at our house in Bethesda, and she said- "Are you ready to tackle our challenges in Texas now?" I thought about it for a second and said- Yes. She said- "Are you sure?" I said back- You said- Are you ready to tackle our challenges in Texas now, and I said yes, because I'm sure. Then she said- "Why are you so confident?" And I said- Because we already made a comeback from death, you helped me learn how to walk and talk again, we have flipped the script on the truth about me, that I'm not really a villain, we put together a plan to make sure I had shared custody of my son, with my soon to be ex-wife, and we have built 2 successful businesses, all at the same time. Quite frankly, if I was our Texas challenges, I'd be running as fast as I could to get away from us, because we are going to crush them!
Then she said this- "I don't know what the future holds, but if the future doesn't involve us being together, I have some bad news for this future fella, because he is going to be changing his plans."
Bottom line....If you love someone, and they love you back....It's a beautiful thing!