Showing posts with label Believe in yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Believe in yourself. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dear "MJ The Terrible" Haters,

I have had my feelings hurt. I have felt like I wasn't enough. I have been down. I have been broke. I have cried. I have screamed and yelled. I have been so frustrated that I didn't know what I was going to do. I have bled. I have lived in my car. I have almost died. I have been through hell. I have literally had to live through the quote- "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

I am just a regular guy. I am not the strongest, smartest, quickest, best looking, most well educated guy in the world, but I will tell you what I am. I am a guy who believes anything is possible. I am a guy who never gives up, and I am a guy who almost died/had to learn how to walk again/had to learn how to talk again, after suffering from a subdural hematoma rupture in my head.

Most importantly, I am a guy who stopped paying attention to you, because I realized that nomatter what you do, you only have power/influence over my life, if I let you.

You can delay me. You can frame me. You can discredit me. You can spread false and half truths. You can do any one of a number of things to slow me down, but YOU CAN'T STOP ME!

In closing- Haters, since apparently you haven't learned this lesson yet, let me help you out, so that you can quit wasting your time.....STOP BETTING AGAINST ME! 

Mind Over Matter Advice Worth Following-


Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Friday, February 23, 2018

Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Not Enough? By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

There was a time in my life where I felt like I was not enough, because I put my self worth in the hands of others. 

It took almost dying for me to realize that it's impossible to fit the model society says we should aim to be like. (If you would like to read about what changed my mindset about trying to fit into what society says is the model we should aim to be like, I'll put a link to the post, at the bottom of this post.)

It's impossible to fit societies ideal model of what we all should strive to be like, because no one fits it. We are all just people. We all just want to be happy, enjoy our lives, be healthy, etc. 

If you live your life based on what other people think about you, it will be almost impossible for you to find peace and happiness.

Accept yourself for who you are, and set yourself free from the unfair burden of trying to fit into what society thinks you should be.

You are better than that, and you deserve better than that!

What Truly Matters In Life, by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson -

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"The Future Is Yours" by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

There isn't a person alive who can see into the future. That means it is unwritten. It hasn't happened yet. Anything's possible. Which means, you can change it, alter it, effect it, put your stamp on it, improve it, make your mark on it, and just about anything else you want to do with it.

"The future is yours", is a saying, but it is also true. You are every bit as capable as the people in your life who have the life and things that you want. The only difference between you and them, is they went after what they wanted, and didn't give up. It's your turn!

I don't want to sound like some ra-yay self help guy, are capable of doing some shit! I'm certain of it.

I may not know you, but I bet there has been times in your life, where you kicked ass, got stuff done, and it felt good.

That means that kick ass person, who gets stuff done, is inside of you somewhere. Find them! Let that side of you come out more often.

When you really focus, and you see what you are trully capable of, I think you will like the results, and want more. As my old boss and mentor used to say....It's rinse and repeat from there!


All my best,

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Saturday, October 28, 2017


You are capable of so much more than you think. I believe that, because in 2015 my life changed forever, and it pushed me way beyond what I thought was possible/what I thought I was capable of. 

Hopefully you don't have to go through a near death experience like I did, to find out what you are trully capable of.

That said, if you don't believe that you are capable of more than you think you are, there's only one way to find out......

Friday, September 15, 2017

What Truly Matters In Life, by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

One of the most important life lessons that I learned when I was in the hospital/going through speech therapy to learn how to speak again, physical therapy to learn how to walk again, and psychological therapy, to get my mindset right, before re-entering the real world, was this.....

A person can try to please others, by being/acting like how they feel others would want them to be/act, or a person can be themself.

If a person chooses to be themself, they may not make others happy, but they will make themselves, and the people who trully care about them happy.

While I was learning to talk again, I was in the shower, no one else was around, and one of my favorite songs came on the radio. I decided to try to sing along.

The song is by the Foo Fighters. It's called "Times like these". The words to the song go like this- "It's times like these you learn to live again. It's times like these you give and give again. It's times like these you learn to love again."

When I tried to sing the words, I couldn't. At that point, with everything that was going on at the time, I was at just the right amount of frustrated, pissed off, and feeling sorry for myself, that I was very emotional. One little thing could break me or build me.

When I tried to sing, and the words wouldn't come out, I immediately started crying and slowly sat down in the shower. And then it hit me! In a single moment, I realized I wasn't meant to sing the words at that moment. I was meant to hear the words. 

I heard the words to the song loud and clear! It was then, at that exact moment, I realized I was done trying to please others. From that moment forward, I was going to be myself, whether others liked me or not. You know why? Because the others I was trying to please before I ended up in the hospital, weren't there for me while I was in the hospital, but you know who was? That's right, the people who trully cared about me were there, and they loved me for exactly who I was/am!

In conclusion, if you have never been in a situation where you could die, or never be able to live your full life again, as you did before that situation, let me tell you what you will likely be thinking.

You will likely be thinking about all of the time you wasted, or focused on the things that didn't/don't matter, like trying to please others.

If you are already being yourself, that's great! More power to you! If you aren't, I hope you make the decision to choose to be yourself.

When you choose to be yourself, you won't make everyone happy, but you will make yourself and the people who trully care about you happy, and that's all that matters. 


Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson 

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Hardest Part About Transforming Your Life: The Decision!

I have met thousands of people who have transformed their lives from a place they didn't want to be at in life, to where they wanted to be.

When I ask them what the hardest part about making the change was, they pretty much all say the same thing- "The decision to do it, was harder than actually doing it."

If you want something, make the decision to do it, and then....Go for it!

To the pretty in both pictures girl in this photo- PROUD OF YOU! MEAN IT!