Showing posts with label Dealing with haters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dealing with haters. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2018

Dealing With Haters For Beginners by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

The world is filled with virtually endless varieties of people, and I wholeheartedly believe that the vast majority, are kind and decent, but a small percentage are just plain haters.

A hater is someone who nothing is ever good enough for, and nomatter what you do, it never is.

Haters are unreasonable, one sided, self interested, self absorded, arrogant, don't want to be fair, aren't open minded, don't like you for some reason, judge you without knowing you, criticize your idea, just because it wasn't theirs, is against your proposal, even if it is better, simply because it would change things for them, set up roadblocks to stop you from doing something, just because they feel like it, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Haters, there is no doubt about it. You can be annoying as hell, if we pay attention to you. The key is- "If" we pay attention to you.

When you start making some noise, succeeding, or making some waves, you start to attract people who see what you you doing, and they don't like it. They may not like what you are doing for fair reasons, or they may not like what you are doing, for unfair reasons. 

If they don't like what you are doing for unfair reasons, you have more than likely got yourself a hater. 

When you are new to experiencing the attention of a hater/haters, it can catch you off guard/mess with your head/make you second guess yourself/hurt your feelings/slow down your progress, etc. 

Haters are not open minded, they are not interested in fairness, and most of the time, they are only interested in their 3 favorite people- Me, myself, and I. 

As they say- "Haters are gonna hate." We can't control the fact that haters are going to hate, but we can control how much we let them effect us, and our efforts. 

If whatever you are doing to make some noise, succeed, or cause some waves isn't illegal, and you are not hurting anyone by doing it......GO FOR IT! 

Make the decision to do what you have got to do, to make things happen, and get stuff done. Your future self, and maybe others, will thank you for it! 

Two of my favorite hater quotes: 

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain

"I am going to cause my haters so many fits, they are going to need prescriptions for Xanax(Zanax), or their heads will explode." Marcus Jennings (One of my closest friends, a member of "MJ The Terrible" & Team Digital Death, and a business partner)

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson's 23 Rules To Follow To Become Successful - 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dear "MJ The Terrible" Haters,

I have had my feelings hurt. I have felt like I wasn't enough. I have been down. I have been broke. I have cried. I have screamed and yelled. I have been so frustrated that I didn't know what I was going to do. I have bled. I have lived in my car. I have almost died. I have been through hell. I have literally had to live through the quote- "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".

I am just a regular guy. I am not the strongest, smartest, quickest, best looking, most well educated guy in the world, but I will tell you what I am. I am a guy who believes anything is possible. I am a guy who never gives up, and I am a guy who almost died/had to learn how to walk again/had to learn how to talk again, after suffering from a subdural hematoma rupture in my head.

Most importantly, I am a guy who stopped paying attention to you, because I realized that nomatter what you do, you only have power/influence over my life, if I let you.

You can delay me. You can frame me. You can discredit me. You can spread false and half truths. You can do any one of a number of things to slow me down, but YOU CAN'T STOP ME!

In closing- Haters, since apparently you haven't learned this lesson yet, let me help you out, so that you can quit wasting your time.....STOP BETTING AGAINST ME! 

Mind Over Matter Advice Worth Following-


Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations II By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

He/she talks to himself in the mirror. = Getting mentally prepared to do well when it counts.

He/she is anti social now. He/she never wants to go out anymore. = Staying home to save money, to be able to have money to invest in your business/idea.

He/she has these "epiphanies" where he/she goes on and on about these unrealistic fantasies. = Sharing your passion with people you care about, but who will likely not get it, unless they themselves are of a similar mindset.

He/she is so arrogant. He/she said- "I will find a way to make this work, because I am determined." = You have the right mindset to problem solve and find solutions, so that you can build and grow a successful business.

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations III by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson-

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Grandiose Ideas = Visionary

He/she is scytsophrenic. = Multitasker capable of compartmentalizing.

Nobody but him/her thinks this hairbrained scheme is going to work, but he/she just keeps working on it. = Commited

Nobody has ever tried that before, and their is probably a reason. = Thinking outside the box.

Why does he/she want to start a business, when he/she could just work at the mill like everyone else? = Not willing to settle for less, when the world is filled with endless possibilities.

He/she is crazy! = He/she is more creative/optimistic/forward looking than the haters, so the haters falsely judge him/her.

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations II By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson -