Showing posts with label Life advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life advice. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Natalie Dupont Johnson's Life & Love Quotes

"Talk through the trouble, snuggle when you struggle, kiss the pain away, hug out fear and doubt, have sex when things are a mess, and be ride or die, whether you sink, swim or fly." Natalie Dupont Johnson

"They say you will never know unless you try. So, I tried, and now I know. BOOM!" Natalie Dupont Johnson 

"If you love someone, and they love you back....It's a beautiful thing!" Natalie Dupont Johnson

"Being married is a legal term. It means you are legally married to someone. Being in a marriage is a legal term as well, but it also means you are in the marriage. You spend time together, share your life with them, work together, understand each others needs and wants, you know each others deepest darkest fears, worries and secrets, you make each other a priority, you are focused on making the relationship work, etc. There's a big difference between the two." Natalie Dupont Johnson

"How I found happiness- Live, love, laugh, sing, take risks, travel, and try everything." Natalie Dupont Johnson

"No one is perfect. We all can be unfair, unreasonable, say the wrong thing at the wrong time, make bad decisions, go to far with something, or act uncharacteristically of ourselves at times. The key words there being "at times"." Natalie Dupont Johnson 

"Love is the most powerful force on earth, and if you don't agree, you have never truly loved someone." Natalie Dupont Johnson 

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume II by Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson -

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson's 23 Rules To Follow To Become Successful

I am so glad I didn't listen to all of the negative people in my life who said following my dreams was a stupid idea. Most of the time when I would try to share my hopes and dreams with someone, I would hear things like- "Michael's just visiting Fantasy Land again". I'm happy to report that "Fantasy Land" is a great place to live, and it is better than I could have ever imaged it to be!

"When you do the right things consistently, over a long enough period of time, you are positioning yourself to be in the right place, at the right time, when opportunity strikes." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.

1. Limit mistakes. 

Instead of saying or doing the wrong thing, think first and then execute.

2. Make success a must. 

If you must do something, then you will think of a way to do it, nomatter what. 

3. Refuse to be outworked. 

Go early and stay late when you need to. 

4. Use proven strategies for success. 

Proven strategies come with proven odds for success. 

One of the fastest and most effective ways to succeed in life and in business, is to duplicate, not innovate. 

If their is a proven/high odds for success strategy that you can follow to get started or improve your results, to achieve success quicker and easier then what you are currently doing, do it! 

Proven formulas are called proven for a reason- They work! One of my favorite sayings is- “You can either be right or you can get paid.” Being right can be very expensive. Getting paid is very enjoyable.

By working smarter, not harder, you are more likely to achieve the success you want, and you are also more likely to achieve the success you want faster.

5. Learn from the people that are at where you want to be at in the future. 

6. Master the basics. 

Many of lifes and businesses most important moments, come down to the basic fundamentals. 

7. Improve your skill level whenever possible. 

Practice CANEI: Constant and never ending improvement 

8. Learn from your mistakes. 

We all make mistakes, but if we can learn from our mistakes, then we are turning negatives into positives. 

9. Focus. 

Having a single minded focus. Focusing on what you want day in and day out, keeps you moving in the direction of what you want. Anything worth doing, is worth focusing the majority of your time on. 

When you throw yourself completely into what you are doing, you are much more likely to experience a positive outcome. 

10. Communicate effectively. 

Try to keep all of your communication simple and to the point. Clear and concise communication, is more effective communication. 

11. Be open to change. 

Change is coming whether we like it or not, so get used to it, and see the possibilities, versus resisting it, and only seeing the negatives.

12. Always be professional.

Looking and acting in a professional manner, builds trust, respect credibility, and greatly improves your odds of success. 

13. Read every agreement, contract and document, before you sign it.

14. Don’t be ultra sensitive.                                               
No one likes having to walk around on eggshells, as they say. You may not agree with what someone says, and you may not like what someone says, but as long as the person isn't threatening you, or being inappropriately out of line, let it go. Because you don’t want to be the person everyone thinks is a problem. Nobody likes problems.

15. Don’t criticize others.                                        
Criticizing other people makes you look petty and intolerant. 

16. Drop the labels.                                                           
Get past black, white, republican, democrat, etc. Being able to work with people of varying backgrounds, is major strength. 

17. Don’t run your mouth.                                                    
It doesn’t pay to run your mouth. You can only get hurt by what you say if you put yourself out there as #1 best of all time at whatever. If you say you are the best and don’t prove it you will lose credibility instantly! 

18. Don’t talk behind people's backs.                           
This can only lead to trouble. I don’t care if it even feels right to talk about someone behind there back. 

19. Think before you speak.                                            
You have 2 ears and 1 mouth. Use them accordingly. Don’t blurt words out. Think it. Process it. Then speak it. This three step process will save you from putting your foot in your mouth. 

20. Don’t carry around past negative thoughts and experiences.                                                                         
Take the lessons from your past experiences, and leave the rest where it belongs, in the past. 

21. Mindset matters! 

We are all human beings. We are not robots. We all experience ups and downs from time to time. That said, if you stay focused on positive things, you will find more positive things in your life. 

22. Judge people by their actions. 

Don't judge people by what other people say about them. 

23. Don’t fight a battle you can't win/isn't worth winning.                                                 

Fighting losing battles/battles you can't win, even if you can/actually do win, is a waste of your time, energy and resources. Save your time, energy and resources for more important things. 

Bottom line: If you want something, make the decision to do it. Then go make it happen!


Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson 


Saturday, October 28, 2017


You are capable of so much more than you think. I believe that, because in 2015 my life changed forever, and it pushed me way beyond what I thought was possible/what I thought I was capable of. 

Hopefully you don't have to go through a near death experience like I did, to find out what you are trully capable of.

That said, if you don't believe that you are capable of more than you think you are, there's only one way to find out......