Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Grandiose Ideas = Visionary

He/she is scytsophrenic. = Multitasker capable of compartmentalizing.

Nobody but him/her thinks this hairbrained scheme is going to work, but he/she just keeps working on it. = Commited

Nobody has ever tried that before, and their is probably a reason. = Thinking outside the box.

Why does he/she want to start a business, when he/she could just work at the mill like everyone else? = Not willing to settle for less, when the world is filled with endless possibilities.

He/she is crazy! = He/she is more creative/optimistic/forward looking than the haters, so the haters falsely judge him/her.

Hater To Entrepreneur Translations II By Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson -

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