Some of my friends have been sharing their recent dating horror stories me.
Either the men they are dating cheated on them, or they treat them like crap, etc.
I try to tell them to keep trying, because there are good guys out there.
Ladies, good men are out there, but Mr. Right might not exactly be walking around wearing a sign that says "I'm Mr. Right".
I met my "Mr. Right" on a military base in San Antonio Texas. Word to the wise ladies, "Mr. Right" may not always be "Mr Perfect". In fact, my "Mr. Right", when I met him wasn't allowed to leave the building on the military base where I met him, because Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), was about to label my "Mr. Right" as "The most dangerous hacker in the world", and "A threat to cyber security infrastructure worldwide".
Later down the road, Interpol and the other intelligence agencies around the world would come to realize he was a hero, and he saved the world from nuclear disaster.
Sometimes you have to see the potential in a possible "Mr. Right", because they might not be "Mr. Right", right now.
Ladies, you might be one of the only one's, or the only one, who believes your man/the guy you like/love has a lot of potential, but I can tell you this....When your man/the guy you like/love fulfills his true potential, and he realizes you were one of the only one's/the only one who believed in him before he made it, he will love you more than you can possibly imagine. He will love you the way you have always wanted to be loved.
MJ, thank you for being so good to me. I am so glad we found each other. You are Ken, Mr. Right, Prince Charming, and Romeo all rolled into one.
I let MJ read this post before I posted it. He said- "So I did good?" Yes baby, you did good. You had the potential to become my Mr. Right, and that is exactly what you became! I love you Michael "Mr. Right The Terrible" Johnson!
Malia May Johnson