1. Don't stop dreaming about what you want.
2. Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when the job is done.
3. Don't let the little things get you down.
4. Don't take no for an answer.
5. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
6. Don't take shit from anyone.
7. Don't stop learning along the way.
8. Don't sidetrack your dreams to try to get revenge.
9. Don't talk trash. Let your work and accomplishments do the talking for you.
10. Don't waste your time with people who are negative influences.
11. Don't stop thinking of ways to solve problems and overcome challenges.
12. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
13. Don't let negative naysayer's opinions slow you down.
14. Don't let the haters get into your head.
15. Don't take the people you value for granted.
16. Don't rule out all possibilities.
17. Don't let opportunities go to waste.
18. Don't let anyone tell you something can't be done.
19. Don't be afraid to say I don't know....yet!
20. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things now. (Because when you do this right, you'll have plenty of time and money to buy all of the unnecessary, but completely awesome things that you've always dreamed about buying later!)
21. Don't stop until you are where you want to be.
By: Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, Founder & Owner of Masters of Money, LLC.